Financing the coal phase-out: The case of Türkiye
Sustainable Economy and Finance Research Association (SEFiA) and London based think tank E3G have jointly prepared a report titled “Financing the Coal Phase Out: The Case of Turkey”, the new report analyzes the cost of Turkey’s coal phase-out on a power plant-by-power plant basis. The report examines in depth the financial outlook of the plants, which is […]
Small Modular Reactors (SMRs): Why on the Agenda? How Realistic?
An assessment report prepared by the Sustainable Economics and Finance Research Association (SEFiA) reveals that small nuclear reactors (SMRs), recently touted as an important tool to combat climate change, are not a reliable and cost-effective solution. In its report “Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)”, SEFiA examines the claims that SMRs, which are described as an alternative tool […]
Green Economy and Green Complexity Analysis
Turkey should invest in more complex green products. The research conducted by the Sustainable Economy and Finance Research Association (SEFiA) examines the predisposition of countries, especially Turkey, to a green economy and their potential for the future. The “Green economy and green complexity analysis“ aims to identify Turkey’s current production capabilities and calculate its distance to the […]
Exiting Coal-Based Employment: Potential Problem Areas and Solutions
A “coal exit” where no one is unemployed is possible. Sustainable Economy and Finance Research Association (SEFiA) and Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe) prepared an “Exiting Coal-Based Employment” report to analyse the extent to which an exit from coal in electricity generation in Turkey may create potential problems and solutions for the employment sector. The report […]
Heating and Cooling Based on Renewable Resources in Buildings During The Recovery/Reconstruction Process After The Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes
As civil society organizations working in the field of climate and environment, we have been working on the components of a green reconstruction process in line with the climate target across Turkey, with a particular focus on the earthquake region. The first output of our work, the position paper titled “The role of solar energy in […]
Are Carbon Capture Technologies Really Climate Friendly?
An assessment report prepared by the Sustainable Economics and Finance Research Association (SEFiA) states that carbon capture technologies support the use of fossil fuels and signal a limited/costly effort that leads to a delay in green transformation. The study titled “Are carbon capture technologies really climate friendly?” compiles the analysis of the literature on carbon capture technologies. […]
The Role of Solar Energy in Earthquake Emergency Response, Recovery and Reconstruction
In the aftermath of the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, as NGOs working in the field of climate and environment, we started to work on the components of a green reconstruction process in line with climate goals across Turkey, with a priority on the earthquake region. This document, which addresses the role of solar energy in the emergency […]
Climate Change and Sustainability Research: Outlook on BIST 30 Companies
After the Paris Agreement was approved by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on October 6, 2021, Turkey became a party to a key step in the global fight against climate change, albeit somewhat late. It also announced its goal of becoming net-zero emissions by 2053. According to the most recent data announced by TURKSTAT, Turkey’s […]
Measuring the Risks of Stranded Assets in the Transition to a Decarbonized Economy
Turkey’s lack of a strategy for carbon-intensive sectors in emission mitigation carries the risk of a sudden and costly exit that would spread across the economy. Planning for a gradual exit allows these risks to be managed. Stranded assets arise when existing economic assets lose their potential to generate intra-sectoral added value in a way […]
New Report by APLUS Energy and the SEFiA: Increasing Electricity Prices and the Impact of Renewable Energy Sources on the Market
Renewable Energy is the Cure for Inflation A new report by APLUS Energy and the Sustainable Economics and Finance Research Association (SEFiA) reveals that the increase in renewable energy installed capacity results in lower inflation by lowering electricity bills. The report titled “Increasing Electricity Prices and the Impact of Renewable Energy Sources on the Market” evaluates the impacts […]